At Home Bodyweight Back Workout – No Equipment Required!

Tone and Tighten your back at-home with this sculpted back workout. Six of the best bodyweight exercises for your back to improve strength and definition. This at-home back workout requires no equipment, can be done anywhere, and yields amazing results. Get the step-by-step instructions plus a follow-along workout video below. 

Awesome at-home back workout with no equipment required! Bodyweight back exercises - no pull-ups |


At Home Bodyweight Back Workout – No Equipment Required!

  • Superman
  • Swimmer
  • Wall Slide
  • Pike Push Up
  • Bridge
  • Prone Reverse Fly

Keep reading for a step-by-step guide of the workout with pictures and descriptions of each of these exercises plus a follow-along workout video. 


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One of the common misconceptions out in the fitness world is that you can’t tone and sculpt your back unless you’re using some kind of equipment…


With the right exercises you can tone and strengthen your back at home without ever picking up a dumbbell or pulling on a resistance band.

Today I wanted to share 6 of my favorite bodyweight back exercises in one great workout you can do anytime, anywhere. No equipment needed on this one, so let’s get to work!


Interested in more great workouts just like this one? Our “30 For 30” workout series consists of 30 awesome home workouts that take 30 minutes to complete. Most don’t require any equipment so they’re perfect for the at-home fitness enthusiast. You can read more about it RIGHT HERE.



Since your back is a major muscle group in your body, be sure to plan workouts that target your back muscles. If you don’t have a gym membership or fancy equipment, there are still many types of exercises you can do at home. You can effectively target all the major muscles in your back with at-home bodyweight exercises.

Wall slides, supermans, and plank and push up variations are examples of great back-strengthening exercises that are easy to do at-home. This back workout includes these exercises plus more. Follow this workout below for an effective way to tone your back muscles at-home. 


This is a great workout to incorporate into your fitness routine 1-3 times per week. If you want to tone and slenderize your back, once a week is great. If your goal is to gain muscle mass in your back, you might want to do this back workout 2 or 3 times per week.

Be sure to include a balance of other types of workouts as well as total body strength training for overall fitness and strong muscles. 

Now on to the back workout. 


The key to this back workout is focusing on the right muscle groups at the right time to maximize your contractions and therefore maximize your results.

We’ll be working the muscles of the upper back as well as the lower to make it a true “total back” workout. There are 6 exercises and you’ll do the whole thing 3 times. 

Hit PLAY on the video below to follow along with the workout and get detailed instruction of the exercise performance; scroll down for pics and descriptions of each one.




The Workout

1. Superman

superman exercise


  • Lay on your stomach with your arms stretched out over your head
  • Extend through your entire spine to lift your chest and knees up off the ground
  • Hold 3–5 seconds and return to starting position
  • (This exercise can be made easier by placing your fingertips just behind your years)
  • Focus on feeling this one in your lower back, glutes, and just below your shoulder blades.
3 sets of 10 reps
2. Swimmer
[Similar to the Superman, however we’re mixing up the muscle activation with contralateral limb activity (just trust me)]

swimmer exercise

  • Lay on your stomach on the floor with your arms stretched out overhead
  • Lift your right arm and left leg up off the floor and then return to the starting position
  • Repeat with the left arm and right leg. 
  • Focus on squeezing between your shoulders, your lower back, and your glute.
3 sets of 10 reps on each side
3. Wall slide
One of my go-to exercises in the physical therapy clinic; awesome at strengthening the muscles in your upper back.

wall angel


  • Stand with your back against a wall
  • Place the back of your head, shoulder blades, and butt against the wall; your feet are out approximately 10 inches from the wall
  • Bring your arms up and rotate them back until your knuckles touch the wall at approximately ear level (this is the starting position)
  • Maintaining these points of contact, slide your hands up and over your head while keeping your knuckles on the wall
  • Touch your hands together at the top and return to the starting position
  • Focus should be between the shoulder blades as well as the upper shoulder/trap area.
3 sets of 15 reps
4. Pike push up

pike push up

  • Get down in the push-up position, however your butt is going to be way up in the air forming an upside-down v-shape with your body.
  • Bend your elbows and slowly lower your forehead towards the ground.
  • Return to starting position.
  • Emphasize your lats with this one – try to feel it under your armpit or just around the shoulder blade.
3 sets of 10 reps
5. Bridge
One of my favorite exercises for strengthening the lower back at home.

bridge exercise

  • Lay your back with your knees bent
  • Squeeze the muscles in your butt and lower back and lift your pelvis up towards the ceiling
  • Hold 3–5 seconds and slowly return to the starting position.
  • (This exercise can be made more difficult with a single-leg bridge– basically the same thing except you’re only using one leg to lift towards the ceiling)
3 sets of 20 reps (or 3 sets of 10–15 per leg if you’re doing the single leg bridge)
Focus on squeezing your glutes; you’ll also feel this one in your lower back.


6. Prone Reverse Fly prone t
  • Lay on your stomach with your arms stretched out to the side and your face down
  • Raise your head/chest up off of the ground and squeeze your shoulder blades together – bringing the backs of your hands up towards the ceiling
  • Slowly return to the starting position
  • Focus on really squeezing the muscles between your shoulder blades together. 
3 sets of 15 reps
Perform these exercises 2 more times (3 total) for a complete back workout you can do right at home without any equipment necessary.
Hope you enjoyed this at-home back workout. 
Looking to start working out but unsure where to begin?
Our “Back To Basics” workout plan is PERFECT for beginners.
I wrote this with one goal – to get those who have never exercised before to start moving.
You’ll get 24 great workouts designed for beginners, but with intermediate and advanced options demonstrated for every exercise. That way there’s sure to be something that will challenge your ability and push your results.
Be sure to follow Tone and Tighten on Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube for more workouts, recipes, and fitness tips.
Interested in more awesome at-home workouts? 

Thanks so much for joining us today on Tone and Tighten, and until next time…

Make it happen,



Awesome at-home back workout with no equipment required! Bodyweight back exercises - no pull-ups |

from Tone and Tighten
