Outdoor Bootcamp Strength Training Workout

No gym membership? No problem. Take your exercise outdoors with this 25-minute outdoor bootcamp workout. No equipment required as you shred your way through some of the best bodyweight exercises for an effective full body workout outdoors

 outdoor bootcamp workout tone and tighten

Outdoor Bootcamp Strength Training Workout

  • Sprints
  • Push-Ups
  • Squats
  • Jumping Jacks
  • Triceps Push-Ups
  • Box Jumps
  • Sprints
  • Lunge Walks


Keep reading to find the step-by-step guide with pictures, videos, and descriptions of each of these exercises.


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With the weather warming up I can’t help but spend more and more time outsideWhat better place to get in a killer workout than with blue sky, green grass, and fresh air?

Today I’m sharing one of my favorite outdoor workouts to help you slim down, tone up, and enjoy the beauty of the outdoors.

Do this workout in your backyard or at the park to get some fresh air and sunshine during your exercise.

No equipment needed on this one – just 20-30 minutes, a little space outside, and a killer desire to shred.



You don’t always have to hit the gym to get the benefits of exercise. Outdoor exercises can be just as effective, more fun, and boost your mind and mood. 

If you take your work out outdoors more often- you will get a great workout, soak up some sunshine and vitamin D, boost your mood, and relieve stress.  

It can be simple and effective to strength train outdoors with exercises such as the ones you’ll find below. It is a great idea to mix up your workout routine and try something new. This outdoor bootcamp is the perfect workout to try at the park, in your backyard, or even indoors if you need.  


All you’ll need for this workout is a little room to run and another surface of a different height. A step, a curb, a stair, a bench, a secure rock, a sturdy log… anything will work- get creative. We’re going to be using them for some of the moves we have in this awesome outdoor burner.

One more thing before we get started – I personally love circuit training. Rarely do I have a lot of time to workout, so the more I can pack in to a small amount of time, the better. You’ll complete the following 4 circuits as follows: A-B alternating four times, then move on to B-C alternating four times, and so on until you’ve completed all 4 circuits. Let’s do this.

Warm up
Jumping Jacks

jumping jack

Just to get the blood flowing and the muscles ready to work
2 minutes

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The Workout

Circuit 1

A. Sprints


One of my favorite, outdoor, high intensity activities. Push yourself to run as fast as you can.
50 yards (150 feet; 46 meters) and then on to Push Ups

B. Push Ups

Combine sprints with my favorite indoor exercise and you’ve got a great circuit.

  • Come to the ground in push up position- place palms and toes on the floor, with arms straight (or rest knees on the floor for modified).
  • Keep back neutral and flat.
  • Drop chest until it comes close to touching the ground.
  • Rise back up into starting position.

12 reps – as many full as you can full and then drop to modified if needed to complete the 12 and then back to sprints

3 sets of each and then move on to Circuit 2

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Circuit 2

C. Squats

Get the legs going with some air squats.


  • Stand with legs hip-width distance apart. Keep hands in front of you or on your hips.
  • With chest and head up, bend at the hips and knees to lower down as if sitting. Keep your knees just over your toes, don’t let them go beyond your toes.
  • Lower until your thighs are parallel with the floor.
  • Straighten and stand up.

12 reps and then on to Jumping Jacks

D. Jumping Jacks

Cardio and strength all in one.

jumping jack

  • Start with your feet together and your arms relaxed.
  • Jump and separate your feet while bringing your arms up overhead.
  • Jump again and return your feet and arms to the starting position.

50 reps and then back to Squats

3 sets of each and then move on to Circuit 3

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Circuit 3

E. Triceps Push-Ups

Back to upper body – push ups, but keeping your elbows in (touching your sides) to kick on the triceps muscles. Modified if necessary after circuit 1; you can also do them on a park bench, log, large rock, etc. to make them a little easier.

  • Come to the ground in push up position- Bring hands a little closer to your body than regular push ups. 
  • Keep your elbows in close to your sides. Drop chest until it comes close to touching the ground. Use your triceps to rise back up to starting position. 

12 reps and then on to Box Jumps

F. Box Jumps

I guess a more appropriate name would be bench, log, curb, jumps instead of “box” jumps.


  • Find a surface anywhere from 8-24 inches above the level you’re standing on.
  • Do a half squat and then explode up into the air landing softly on both feet on top of the bench (or whatever you are using).
  • Return to the starting position by stepping down off the box one foot at a time.

12 reps and then back to Triceps Push Ups

3 sets of each and then move on to Circuit 4

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Circuit 4

G. Sprints


We’ll finish just like we started- finish strong by sprinting it out!
50 yards (150 feet; METERS) and then on to Lunge Walks.

H. Lunge Walks

Your legs are going to be burning, but I want you to finish this strong.

alternating switch lunge

  • Step forward on one leg and drop your weight straight down, keeping your knee just above the toe.
  • Drop until your thigh is parallel to the ground and your opposite knee almost touches the floor.
  • Come straight back up and step your back leg forward. Now lunge forward with that leg.

20 total (I recommend go out ten lunge steps then turn around and come back 10 lunge steps) and then back to sprints.

3 sets of each

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Awesome job- You totally crushed this today!

I hope you enjoyed the nice weather, the sweat, and the pump you’re feeling now that it’s all done.


Looking for more great workouts like this one?

10 Of The Best Outdoor Workouts

Outdoor Bootcamp Strength Training Workout

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How to Lose Your Belly Pooch Workout At Home

Check out my new 8 Week Beginners Workout Guide.
A complete at-home plan to help you reach your fitness goals.

Click here for all the details.

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Make it happen,


By Jared Beckstrand


from Tone and Tighten http://bit.ly/2GvVFzW
