Here Are 11 Amazing Uses For Listerine That Every Woman Should Know

There are actually quite a few unexpected alternatives uses for Listerine. You can use it as an underarm deodorant, toenail fungus remover, and flea repellent for my dog. I am sure you never knew how helpful this mouthwash could really be.

Read this exclusive list below to see how many unbelievably creative ways there are to utilize ordinary Listerine.

Amazing alternative ways to use Listerine

1.Clean cuts and scrapes

  • Listerine has powerful anti-bacterial properties that will help you clean cuts and scrapes and prevent infections.

2.Soothe Itchiness

  • Dab some Listerine on a cotton ball and apply it on areas affected by a poison ivy rash or insect bites to soothe the itchiness.

3.Clean the bathroom

  • Mix some Listerine and water and use the combination to clean the bathroom. You can wipe the sinks, mirrors, floor, and cabinets.

4.Clean The Toilet

  • Pour a bit of Listerine on the toilet brush and scrub the bowl to clean it and leave a fresh smell!

5.Soothe a toothache

  • Dab some Listerine on the painful tooth to numb the area and alleviate a toothache.

6.Fight underarm odor

  • Pour a bit of it on a cotton ball and rub it over the armpits to fight the unpleasant odor.

7.Foot Soak

  • Add some Listerine to warm water, and soak the feet for half an hour to fight toenail fungus and stubborn infections.

8.Treat  Blisters

  • Apply Listerine to blisters to prevent infection, since it has potent antiseptic properties.

9.Clean the toothbrush

  • Listerine can destroy the germs in the mouth and on the toothbrush.
  • Just soak it in some Listerine, and it will be completely clean!

10.Eliminate Dandruff

  • Dandruff can be a very annoying and stubborn issue, that is not easy to treat.
  • However, Listerine can be of great help here too.
  • Just massage some of this mouthwash on the scalp, and then wrap the hair in a towel.
  • Leave to act for several minutes, and rinse, to eliminate dandruff.

11.Remove A Tick

  • Ticks can be a big problem in the summer, and Listerine can help.
  • Fold up a paper towel, soak it in Listerine, and then place it onto the tick.
  • This will remove it in seconds

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from Fitness and Beauty Magazine
