How To Heal Abdominal Separation, Lose Baby Fat, And Lose Baby Belly

How to naturally heal abdominal separation, lose baby fat, and lose baby belly after pregnancy. The fastest way to lose abdominal fat, tone your abs, and tighten your stomach after having a baby. Tips and advice from a postnatal physical therapist specialist.

How To Heal Abdominal Separation, Lose Baby Fat, And Lose Baby Belly

Are you tired of your postpartum “mommy tummy”?

Sick of putting in hours of work for only minimal results?

Have you ever thought “well I guess this is as good as it’s going to get”?

Postpartum fitness can be a tricky road to navigate. In its simplest terms, losing weight and toning/strengthening your body after giving birth has to look different than working out before giving birth.

As a postpartum fitness specialist I’ve helped thousands of women heal their abs, lose weight, and accomplish their fitness goals after pregnancy. These are the top 5 questions I get asked about postnatal fitness and what you can do to start seeing the progress you seek today!

Tap/Click the video below to see my wife and I answer all these questions together! You can also scroll down to read them…

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5 Tips About Postpartum Exercise Every Mom Should Know

1. “I’ve heard of diastasis recti, or “abdominal separation”, but I don’t think I have it. Is it really that common?”

Separation of the abdominal muscles (diastasis recti) happens to 100% of women during the third trimester of pregnancy. Over time, the connective tissue between the halves of this muscle can regain tension and contract back down, however it doesn’t always return to “pre-pregnancy” shape.
In fact, 60% of women still have a diastasis recti separation 6 weeks postpartum, 45% still had it at 6 months postpartum, and 33% still had it at 12 months postpartum.
This separation is one of the main culprits behind that “mommy tummy” and “still looking pregnant”.


2. “After having my baby, I’m ready to start working out again! If I work my core really hard, will that help me to get my abs back in shape?”

Did you know doing “traditional” core exercises after pregnancy can actually cause a lot more damage than good?
Your “rectus abdominis” muscle is the “6-pack” muscle that goes down the front of your stomach. In pregnancy this is the muscle that gets stretched and even torn in a condition known as diastasis recti.
After pregnancy, this muscle needs to be rehabbed the right way, but unfortunately not everyone knows how to do it. You have to STOP doing your sit ups, crunches, and planks and START doing the right exercises to see improvement.


3. “After having my baby, I feel like I made great progress with my fitness goals. But lately it’s stalled out. Do I just need to workout harder?”

Post pregnancy fitness can be a mysterious game. You can work out harder than you ever have before and yet not see much improvement or reach plateaus that are seemingly impossible to get off. Oftentimes it’s easier to say “well I guess this is just how things are now” and give in to the current condition.
Believe it or not, there’s still a lot of progress you can make; and it doesn’t always require working HARDER… just DIFFERENT.
You have to be doing the right exercises and the right type of workout the right way in order to continue to see progress with your post-pregnancy fitness goals.


4. “Surgery is the only option to fix my ‘mommy tummy’.”

We live in a “quick fix” society. Sure, a “tummy tuck” offers some pretty immediate results, but ask anyone who’s had one and the recovery is an absolute horror! It’s 6 weeks of sedentary activity and another 2 of “light activity only”. Repairing an abdominal separation, or “diastasis recti”, results in an even more difficult recovery.
What if there was another way? What if you, instead, spent those 8 weeks with a focused, consistent effort at flattening your stomach and healing your diastasis recti?
By performing the RIGHT exercises the RIGHT way and avoiding the WRONG exercises you can drastically reduce your diastasis recti separation.
If you combine that with the RIGHT cardio and the RIGHT eating, you’ve got a formula for success with incredible potential!


5. “Since having my baby I’m excited to start working out again and start working on my stomach! If I do core exercises everyday will that be enough to lose weight and tone my abs?”

So many clients and patients that I work with think they still have a “mom pooch” because they’re not working hard enough. They “just need to do more sit ups to make my core stronger now that I’ve delivered.”
There’s so many things WRONG with this statement! Here are the main two…
1. You have to do the RIGHT exercises the RIGHT way in order to make any progress. Doing “core work” isn’t enough after pregnancy. In fact, in the case of abdominal separation (diastasis recti) it’s imperative that you absolutely avoid doing sit ups, planks, and crunches in order to see progress.
2. That “mom pooch” won’t get toned and tight with sit ups. IT’S IMPOSSIBLE TO SPOT TREAT FAT! The best treatment for that “mom pooch” is actually a healthy diet and regular LISS cardio to help burn fat throughout your entire body.










Make it happen,


from Tone and Tighten
