“Feel Better Now” Series – Best Exercises for Treating Shoulder Pain

Read on to learn how to treat rotator cuff tendonitis. Including tips ,advice, and a FREE downloadable exercise program. 


“Feel Better Now” Series – Best exercises for treating shoulder pain

Keep reading for the tips. 


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Who among us doesn’t have some kind of shoulder pain? 

We have all been there before. If you enjoy any sort of a healthy lifestyle at all, chances are that at one point or another you have experienced shoulder pain.

Be it lifting, throwing, exercising, or even just reaching over your head, shoulder pain is one of the most common complaints that I see in my physical therapy clinic.

This month’s “Feel Better Now” series is dedicated to helping you out with the most common shoulder pathology that I deal with on a daily basis – rotator cuff tendonitis. We’ll talk about what it is, why it’s there, and the best way that you can take care of it at home.

Keep reading for a FREE downloadable home exercise program!


Rotator Cuff Tendonitis, What is it?: Your rotator cuff is actually four muscles in your shoulder. The tendons for these muscles come together and form a common “cuff” that wraps around the head of your

humerus and keeps it tight in the shoulder socket. While the primary motion of these muscles is internal and external rotation (like in throwing, arm wrestling, and tucking your shirt in in the back) the primary responsibility of these muscles is to control the movement of the humerus (arm bone) on the shoulder blade. When things are firing 100% normal you have a healthy, pain-free shoulder. When the mechanics of the shoulder are off a little bit (most of the time due to either a range of motion deficit or muscle insufficiency) this can result in a microtrauma to these tendons as they’re being used. Repeat this for long enough (i.e. repetitive movements or even just daily wear-and-tear) and you can develop inflammation in this area. As I’ve mentioned previously, anytime you hear the suffix “-itis” on the end of a word it’s indicative of inflammation… “tendonitis” is therefore an inflamed tendon.

Why is it there?: Again, most of the time people develop a rotator cuff tendonitis for one or both of two reasons: range of motion limitation and/or rotator cuff muscle weakness.
Range of motion limitation: your shoulder needs room to move. It’s a large and very complex joint capable of the most motion of any joint in the human body. Our natural response to pain is to protect the area that is injured and not move into that painful range. This can cause a “tightening” of the shoulder joint capsule which results in range of motion restrictions. All of the sudden the shoulder doesn’t have enough room to move normally which causes undue stress on certain areas (i.e. rotator cuff tendons) which in turn causes pain. Range of motion limitation is one likely cause of your shoulder pain.

Rotator cuff weakness: In my opinion this is probably the #1 cause of shoulder pain; especially in the world of health and fitness. It’s been my experience that lots of us spend a lot of

time on the “look good, feel good” muscles and exercises including bench press, military press, deltoid raises, etc. However most of us neglect the very most important muscle in the whole shoulder complex – the rotator cuff. If these muscles aren’t strong enough to support your shoulder through these motions and stresses are placed on areas that are too weak then you will develop pain in these areas. Rotator cuff weakness is (in my opinion) the most likely cause of your shoulder pain.

So what the heck do we do about it??
Here you’ll find advice on how to treat your shoulder as well as your free downloadable exercise program for shoulder / rotator cuff pain!

What else hurts? 🙂
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Disclaimer: The information presented in the “Feel Better Now” series is designed to be used for informational purposes only. The diagnoses and treatment plans outlined are extremely generalized and may or may not be the recommended interventions for your specific problem. If you are experiencing pain, you are encouraged to consult a healthcare provider to determine the best treatment plan that will be in your individual best interest. Tone and Tighten claims exemption from accident, injury, or perpetuation of any injury incurred while performing exercises found on this website. The user assumes all risk… and reward!!
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By Jared Beckstrand

from Tone and Tighten https://ift.tt/2LGCEl2
