5 Of The Best Moves To Wake Up Your Glutes & Make Them Grow

If you spend most of your time sitting, it’s likely that your glutes are weak or underworked. Having weak glutes puts you at risk for developing gluteal amnesia, which is when your glutes forget how to function properly. If your glutes aren’t working properly, it can affect your ability to move and cause knee and lower back pain.

It’s more important to keep your glutes strong because most people are spending sedentary due to their work environment and lifestyle choices. The best glute exercises include fire hydrants, single-leg step-ups, and Bulgarian split squats.

To build your glutes, you should train them twice a week on non-consecutive days and adjust your diet to include more protein. To help you start building strong glutes, we’ve rounded up five of the best glute exercises with step-by-step instructions.

Fire hydrant:

Fire hydrant

How to:

  • Start on your hands and knees.
  • Your knees should be touching and your hands should be shoulder-width apart and directly below the shoulders.
  • For added resistance strap on ankle weights, tie a resistance band above knees, or do both.
  • Keep your back straight and look directly towards the floor at all times.
  • Lift one leg up and away from your body at a 45-degree angle, keep your knee positioned at 90 degrees, and try to lift it until aligned with your hips.
  • Slowly lower it back to the starting position and repeat on the other side.
  • Beginners: 12 to 15 Reps | three sets.
  • Intermediate: 15 to 20 Reps | three sets.

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Single leg step-ups:

Single leg step-ups

How to:

  • Stand adjacent to a bench with the back straight.
  • Place hands on your waist or hold one or two dumbbells at chest level.
  • Put one leg at a 90-degree angle and place it on the bench, keeping the other leg straight and firmly planted on the ground.
  • Drive your body weight through the heel of your left leg and push off your right foot simultaneously.
  • Pause and hold your weight at your chest in the air for a second.
  • Slowly return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.
  • Beginners: 12 to 15 Reps | three sets.
  • Intermediate: 12 to 15 Reps | three Sets.

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Side squats:

Side squats

How to:

  • Tie a resistance band just below both knees.
  • Stand with feet together in a semi-squatted position.
  • Step a little wider than shoulder-width apart to one side and lower yourself beyond 90 degrees.
  • Make sure to push back with your hips, keep your core engaged, and back straight.
  • Drive through your heel to push yourself back to the original position.
  • Perform the same movement for complete rep count on one side and then repeat on the other leg.
  • Beginners: 12 to 15 Reps | three sets.
  • Intermediate: 12 to 15 Reps | three sets (Hold Single Dumbbell).

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Glute bridges:

Glute bridges

How to:

  • Lie flat on your back on a mat or comfortable surface.
  • Place your arms extended by your sides with your palms face down on the ground or use your hands to hold a dumbbell on your hips for added intensity.
  • Position yourself close to the bench so that your legs are situated at 45 degrees when resting your heels on its surface.
  • Lift yourself upwards into a straight position by squeezing your glutes and driving your body weight through your heels.
  • Hold the position for one second then slowly release and return to a flat spine.
  • Beginners: 12 4o 15 Reps | three sets.
  • Intermediate:15 to 20 Reps | three sets.

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Bulgarian split squats:

Bulgarian split squats

How to:

  • Stand about 2 to 3 feet in front of a bench or chair, facing away from it.
  • To increase the intensity, hold one or two dumbbells at chest level.
  • Bring one foot forward, positioned at a 90-degree angle, and place the other foot on the bench behind you.
  • Keeping your torso upright and core engaged, bend your front leg to lower into a squat.
  • Hold for one second, then drive your body weight through your right heel to bring yourself up and back to the starting position.
  • Beginners: 12 to 15 Reps | two to three- sets.
  • Intermediate: 12 to 15 Reps | three sets.

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